The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, on the occasion of June 12, the World Day Against Child Labor expresses its readiness and solidarity in the fight to eradicate this negative phenomenon. CCM is a workers’ organization that fights for the dignity of labor, standard of living, fostering of family values, for generations that will continue to create and work in healthy and safe conditions, for respect of labor.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia is strongly against the exploitation of child labor and as so far will continue to advocate for ceasing of minor children work. Every child has the right to a happy childhood. That is why we were the initiators and we supported the ratification of the ILO Convention on Worst Forms of Child Labor C182, from 1999 and C138 Minimum Age Convention from 1973. CCM also supports all efforts, activities and actions of the International Labor Organization pertaining to keeping good social protection policies as essential question to eradicate the abuse of child labor.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia the solution of the problem of child labor is seeing in the rising opportunities of each child, their quality education, training and inclusion in the labor process when reaching appropriate age, without any limitation and discrimination, which is a human right guaranteed by the highest laws of the Republic of Macedonia.
In these efforts to eliminate child labor, a joint action by all relevant parties in the state is needed in order to exercise a social dialogue to achieve consensus between the social partners in the effort to provide conditions for the realization of children's potential through education and cultural institutions, and not by using children's labor.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia is confident that through joint participation and investment in the educational progress of children, sports, cultural programs and social protection measures, we will continue to decrease the number of abused children, especially those who perform hazardous work which nowadays has reached a number of 168 million.