Caption 1: Visit the leadership of CCM in the factory
Within the frameworks of the program for visits in companies and working meetings with members of social partners, the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zivko Mitrevski and the President of Trade Union of Textile, Leather and Shoe Industry of Macedonia, Angjelko Angjelkovski, also General Secretary of CCM, visited the clothing factory JSC "Edinstvo", Strumica.
On today’s meeting President Mitrevski had discussions with the director of the factory Dimitar Popovski on the amendments to the collective agreement for workers in the textile industry, as well as the implementation and application of the new General Collective Agreement for the private sector of the economy.
President Mitrevski gave a special emphasis on the ratified ILO Convention No. 94. This convention is of particular interest because it represents an essential tool for how to integrate social aspects in public procurement and contracts. Convention No. 94 provides labor and social clauses in public contracts, add Mitrevski.
This means that only companies that operate regularly will have the right to participate in public tenders: have trade union organizations, paid salaries and contributions to employees and all other liabilities to the state, i.e. met all legal norms. The aim is to limit the ability to use social dumping as a tool in the area of public procurement, which will reject unfair competition. This in the past has meant that on public tenders the work was received by companies without employees that then hire subcontractors such as large companies. Put in one word, the new regulations would end the speculations and corruption in public procurement tenders.
Caption 2: Management of CCM with the director of JSC "Edinstvo" Strumica, Dimitar Popovski
The factory was founded in the distant 1966 and has about 250 workers. The production is exclusively for export to England of the official program - production of military and police uniforms and student program - uniforms for students, said the director of clothing factory Popovski.
JSC "Edinstvo" is a reputable recognizable apparel factory in the world market, with a high level of social responsibility for employees, application of collective agreements, regular payment of salaries, benefits and allowances.
Thus this factory is an example of a developed social dialogue in this sector.