CCM determines the right for annual leave allowance for all workers in the private sectors of the economy
On the occasion of today's event a solemn session of the Council of SSM was held
The amendments to the General Collective Agreement for the private sectors of the economy have been signed by the President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski and the president of the Organization of Employers, Angel Dimitrov.
On the occasion of today's event the President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski gave a brief overview of the activities of CCM in 2013 and noted that this year was filled with major activities in the retention of labor rights. Most important is that CCM preserved the three main pillars: did not allow mass layoffs, did not allow a reduction in wages and did not allow the retirement age to be increased. In this direction CCM and OEM has shown that even in the toughest conditions achieved their program goals based on a sense of responsibility and obligation.
Angel Dimitrov and PhD Zivko Mitrevski of today's signing of the Agreement
The President of OEM, Angel Dimitrov also speaking on activities in 2013 stressed that social dialogue in Macedonia is a reality that should be respected. The GCA has been made to be clear and understandable for everyone, and a large effect will be to reduce undesirable labor disputes in which all lose, both workers and employers.
CCM and ORM held a press conference on the occasion of this event
Regarding the right to a annual leave allowance the two presidents stressed that so far this right has not been precisely determined and everyone could interpret in their own way. Also there is a space left the amount to be determined on a higher level than what is stipulated in the General Collective Agreement.
In the Agreement on the amendments to the General Collective Agreement other labor rights have been stipulated.
Based on the continuous monitoring of the implementation of the General Collective Agreement for the private sectors of the economy in practice the signatories of the GCA, CCM and ORM launched an initiative for its amendments during 2013.
Both parties had an argumentative and constructive dialogue to align positions on amendments to the GCA and by signing of today's agreement significant results and benefits to collective bargaining and social dialogue had been achieved in general.
By signing of this agreement CCM and ORM as representative organizations of workers and employers and social partners in the country had arranged many important issues in the interrelationships of workers and employers in order to improve workers' rights, creating balanced business relationships and improving the business climate in the country.
From workers’ perspective and their employment rights the most significant changes achieved by this agreement are:
1. The right of annual leave allowance for workers in amount of at least 40 % of the average monthly net salary paid in RM within the last 3 months
In the Labor Law of 2005, (Official Gazette No. 62/2005 d) when specifying the type of work related costs, the right of annual leave allowance was not determined.
Until the signing of today's agreement this right has not been precisely stipulated what caused the loss of this right.
The amount of annual leave allowance was to be determined by the collective agreement on activity level of activity in order workers to be able to exercise this right , otherwise this right remained only as a right provided in written but realistically impossible for many workers.
Practice has shown that in companies where there is no union organizing and collective bargaining workers are not able to exercise this right.
With this agreement CCM through argumentative dialogue with employers provided this right to all employees in the private sectors of the economy thus determining the amount of the annual leave allowance in GCA which in accordance with the Labor Law is binding for all workers and employers.
In GCA the minimum annual leave allowance is stipulated in the amount of at least 40 % of the salary and a possibility to determine higher amount of the allowance is foreseen with CA on branch. i.e. employer level.
Putting efforts the right of annual leave allowance to be provided to all workers in the private sectors of the economy in the country in a guaranteed amount of at least 40 % of the base with the opportunity to increase the amount CCM has shown and proved to be a true protector of workers' rights in the country and sends a message to employees in order to indicate the need for larger and more massive trade union organizing due to exercise and promotion of workers' rights.
Only union organized workers have the opportunity to actively participate in the institutions of the system through social dialogue and thus to affect policy making in all areas of the state and to contribute to the improvement of working position in society.
2. Besides this very important benefit for workers' rights under this agreement other rights that improve the status and protection of workers are achieved including:
- Provision on prohibiting any kind of harassment in the workplace that beside the law the cases of prohibition of psychological harassment will be arranged with CA. This will allow real application of the prohibition of psychological harassment in the workplace especially in work environments through regulation of specific types of psychological harassment in CA.
- The amendments to the GCA stipulates that representative for information and consultation on employer’s level selects the union which an active and important role of trade unions in enterprises was given, since timely, accurate and complete information and consultation is a prerequisite for taking measures to protect workers' rights in work environments.
- The amendments to the GCA representative provided that OHS representative is being elected by employees upon trade union proposal out of its lines. This provision also emphasizes the active role of the union in the enterprise that it is a driver in achieving the right to safe and healthy working conditions for the workers that is a prerequisite for the achievement of the national strategy for decent work.
- The amendments to the GCA reserved all further allowances.
We do believe that this agreement and made amendments to the GCA for the private sectors of the economy will contribute to the promotion and protection of workers' rights and also will raise the awareness of the need for workers to a trade union organizing and continuous promotion of collective bargaining and social dialogue at all levels in the country.
The GCA will be valid for the next 2 years from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and CCM will closely monitor its application and will actively contribute to its full implementation and realization as so far.