

Слика 1. Денешниот марш на солидарностаCaption 1. Today’s March of Solidarity

Today the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM) together with the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia (KSS) celebrated the International Labor Day, First of May.

Слика 2. ССМ и КСС на заедничкиот Марш на солидарностаCaption 2. CCM and KSS on the joint March of Solidarity

The Marching in solidarity carrying banners and flags the members of CCM and KSS highlighted the messages from the Manifesto:

The participants started their march from the plateau in front of CCM, towards the Parliament of the Republic Macedonia and to the square "Makedonija", where they were greeted by a number of citizens who have given their support in the celebration of First of May, the International Worker’s Day.

Слика 3. Читање на Првомајскиот Манифест пред медиумитеCaption 3. Reading of the Manifesto in front of the media

On the square "Makedonija" the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski and the Acting President of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia (KSS), Blagoja Ralpovski read the May Day Manifesto:

“The First of May, the International Workers' Day is a day when once again we are reminded of the historical struggle of the workers for better labor rights and safer and better social and economic conditions for themselves and their families.

This struggle becomes more and more real in terms of the existing world, economic, financial and debt crisis. That represents a challenge for all stakeholders in the society in general especially for us as trade unions which stand together as never before facing the need for joint and solidarity actions, with mutual trust, articulating the voice of the workers and citizens.

As representatives of the workers, marching in solidarity on this day we demand further improvement of the social and financial status of the workers and citizens in the Republic of Macedonia, consistent application and respect of workers' rights at all levels, elimination of the inequality of workers, elimination of the discrepancies and treatment of the workers in the private and public sectors. We demand an analysis of the laws which cause concern and unequal treatment of workers in the private sector and state administration. We seek further promotion of the social dialogue and involvement of the unions in the preparation and creation of all workers’ laws in the private and public sectors, safe and healthy working conditions, faster resolution of all economic, social and political crises in order to allow peace and tranquil life of the workers and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.

Слика 4. Изјава за медиумиCaption 4. Statement for the mediaThis year celebrating the 1st of May, all affiliated unions participating in the trade union movement in Macedonia, marching in solidarity will especially focus and urge the relevant social partners for:

Starting from our activities to ensure social justice, employment, social inclusion, equity, equality, solidarity, political, ethnic, religious and ethnic tolerance, economic and labor rights’ growth I express my sincere congratulation for the First of May, the International Labor Day to all workers and citizens.”