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18.12.2013-foto14President PhD Zivko Mitrevski has emphasized that these advisory bodies are one of the models for mitigation of the consequences of the global economic crisis

Today at the premises of the Council of city of Skopje an agreement on establishment of Local Economic - Social Council of the City of Skopje was signed.

The Agreement was signed by the Mayor of Skopje, Koce Trajanovski, President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zivko Mitrevski, President of the Organization of Employers of Macedonia, Angel Dimitrov and Acting President of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Violetka Spasevska. The event was attended by James Stein, director of "USAID" an organization which through its project "Network for Youth Employability Skills" (YES Network) actively and logistically supports the establishment of local economic - and social councils in the country.

18.12.2013-foto2Signing of the Agreement

Caption: Signing of the Agreement
The Mayor of Skopje, Koce Trajanovski has emphasized that LESC Skopje is the ultimate aim of improving the living conditions of citizens. We are witnessing that in recent years the public - private partnership or cooperation between state institutions and local self-government with private enterprises has been intensified.

In his opening speech the president of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski has noted that given the impact of the global economic crisis the establishment of LESC Skopje is a success in achieving the common goals of the social partners as well as of the organization "USAID" which actively participates in the establishment of LESC in the country. The signatories have a privilege not only to participate in the work of the council but they do have serious obligations and responsibilities to meet set goals.

CCM on the celebration of First of May this year launched the Campaign for establishment local economic - social councils which is implemented intensively. The equal participation of all social partners we want to establish local councils in every city in the country, noted the President of CCM.

18.12.2013-foto3The participants of the meeting expressed their confidence that LESC will contribute to adequate youth participation in the labor market

The Director of "USAID", James Stein has emphasized that through the YES Network is being actively contributing to the establishment of LESC in the country. We know that in your country youth unemployment is very high and do try to find ways to solve that problem.

Angel Dimitrov, President of ORM has stressed that the establishment of LESC Skopje is highly important due to the fact that half of the GDP is generated in Macedonia's capital.

The Acting President of KSS, Violetka Spasevska has said that the labor market in the country has experienced hard times since the beginning of the transition and the educational process shall be reviewed through harmonization of labor market.

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