Suggestions from the public are the basis for further cooperation between the social partners
Ohrid’s local government supports the campaign of SSM on establishment of local economic and social councils was the conclusion of the panel discussion – LESS – necessity, experiences and shallenges, held at the local government in Ohrid on 22 November.
The panel was attended by President of SSM Zivko Mitrevski PhD, Ohrid Mayor Nikola Bakracheski, Milan Zivkovic from FES which also supported the panel discussion, Regional Secretary of the SSM in Ohrid Dragan Cvetanoski, representatives of employers and other organizations.
President of SSM Zivko Mitrevski PhD at the meeting said that priority is to encourage employment of young people in the community
President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia stressed the necessity for institutionalization of social dialogue on local level especially in conditions of complex economic and social conditions.
Mayor Bakracheski said that the establishment of a common economic and social body would mean institutionalizing of the social dialogue that should contribute to a more acceptable financial and economic position of workers and employers. It was stressed that the LESS will encourage peaceful resolution of labor disputes.