Representatives of SGIP on the press conference
Based on the activities conducted by the SGIP in Marble Factory Prilep members of the SGIP for further regulation of the right of beneficial service SGIP expands its activities in the building materials industry. Activities are aimed at further regulating of the right of beneficiary service or expanding of jobs where years of service will be calculated with increased duration said Pavel Trendafilov president of SGIP at today’s press conference.
SGIP wants to correct another injustice to workers in construction and to initiate action to regulate their beneficiary service in the Regulation of the jobs where years of service are calculated with increased duration due enormously difficult working conditions in the sectors. With establishment of this rights 3 effects will be achieved: dignified early retirement, employment of younger people and increased employment in general.
Trendafilov emphasized that beneficial service applies for the same jobs in other sectors, but not in the construction. Beneficiary service is regulated only for tunnel making. But in the construction industry with 31.022 employed and in building materials industry with over 3.437 there are people of different specialty that need to use these terms.
We have positive signals from several companies: Cement factory Usje, Marble Factory Prilep, Beton, Bortas and Kozjak and we expect support from other companies. It is true that the burden is borne by the employers but these costs are minimal while the benefits are multiple.
This is a general issue in SGIP. The Commission must analyze the systematization of jobs and then we will file an initiative before the competent authorities - said Trendafilov.