Constituent meeting of the Local Economic - Social Council Gazi Baba

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Today the first Constituent meeting of the Local Economic - Social Council of the Municipality of Gazi Baba was held...



Today in the premises of Gazi Baba Municipality a constitutive meeting of the Local Economic - Social Council was held. For a chairman the Mayor of Gazi Baba Toni Trajkovski has been elected. Also at today's meeting the Rules of Procedures were adopted as well as verification of LESC members.
The LESC Council of Gazi Baba comprises 11 members from local self government, Trade Unions and employers. Members from the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia are Zoran Mironovski, President of TU of the workers in chemistry, metals and non-metals and Jovan Cvetkoski, Regional Secretary of RTUO of CCM in Skopje.

Gazi Baba is the first municipality in Skopje in which LESC has been established. The Treaty for LESC establishment was signed on November 1, 2013 by the Mayor Toni Trajkovski, the President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski, President of ORM, Angel Dimitrov and Zoran Antovski of KSS.
Next, first session of LESC Gazi Baba is scheduled for December 6, 2013.



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