Within the "Academy for young trade union leaders 2013" from 15 to 17 November in Probishtip in the hotel "Cresovo Tocpe" the fourth meeting of young trade unionists is being held. Theme of the meeting is "Labour Legislation (theory and practice)."
The Academy is being held with the support of the Foundation "Friedrich Ebert" while participants are young trade unionists from the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM), Confederation of Free Trade Unions (KSS), Trade Union of autonomous and independent unions (UNASM), Confederation of Trade Union Organizations (KSOM) and the independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM).
At the workshop speakers will be PhD Todor Kalamatiev who on November 15, will lecture on the topic "Termination of employment " and "The role of trade union representative in the protection of labour rights ." Professor Kalamatiev also on November 16, will chair the panel - debates "Youth and labour legislation" on topics "employment ", "employment rights", "Responsibility and termination of employment" and "Labour Rights Protection".
Vlado Karaev from "Rubikon" will chair the team work on November 16.
On November 17, PhD Konstantin Petkovski will chair the panel debate "Youth and Trade Union Leadership" with the topics "Why young Trade Union leaders are needed in unions?", "What is required to a one good young Trade Union leader?" and "How to become a good young union leader?".
The "Academy for young trade union leaders 2013 " included four workshops, the first of which was held on 8 and 9 June in Ohrid, the second on 5 and 6 October in Mavrovo and the third from 18 to 20 October in Ohrid. The goal of the academy is training of young union members on trade union leadership and labour legislation. The activities of the seminars are being conducted by PhD Todor Kalamatiev and PhD Konstantin Petkovski.