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29.10.2013 foto1President Zivko Mitrevski PhD: SSM received full membership in the International trade union family

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia is admitted as a full member of the ITUC. Today the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia celebrates this historic day, said President of SSM Zivko Mitrevski PhD at today's solemn session of the Council of SSM.

The Council meeting was attended by Minister of Labour and Social Policy Dime Spasov, Minister of Defence Talat Xhaferi, President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia Branko Azeski, President of the Organization of Employers Angel Dimitrov, President of the Association of Pensioners of Macedonia Dragi Argirovski, honorary President of KSS Dojčin Cvetanovski, President of KSS Jakim Nedelkov , prof. Dr. Todor Kalamatiev and MsC Aleksandar Ristovski of the Faculty of Law, Heinz Bongartz of Foundation "Friedrich Ebert", President of the Business Confederation of Macedonia Mile Boškov, Macedonian OHS Association Milan Petrovski and representatives of other organizations.

Greetings for the admission were sent by President of Republic of Macedonia Gjorge Ivanov and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, as well as by ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow and Deputy General Secretary Jaap Wienen.

In SSM was also held a press conference at which President Zivko Mitrevski said:

 29.10.2013 foto2Guests at the formal session of SSM’s Council

“Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia in 2011 became associate member of ITUC and today we are received the full membership in the International trade union family. This recognition is historic as it happens in terms of world economic, financial and debt crisis where trade union recognitions are really rare”.
International Trade Union leadership closely followed all activities of the new SSM leadership and was able to recognize rational reforms and modernized institutional trade union methods and strategies. Creating of the new contemporary trade union position of a relevant social partner, creation of new social dialogue and the results verified in labor legislation, its improvement instead of reducing, adoption of several historical laws in most difficult circumstances such as the Minimum Wage Law, the Law on European Workers Councils and the Law against Mobbing were seen by ITUC as well as SSM’s efforts for their adoption. Just as they could not miss the implementation of 19 Directives in the Labor Law that dramatically improve the position of the the vulnerable groups such as youth, women, pregnant women, information and consultation, the elimination of discrimination etc. In this period increased international standards, over 8 ILO Conventions were ratified, increased the number of beneficial jobs etc.

29.10.2013 foto3SSM’s leadership held a press conference: ITUC membership will intensify international cooperation

Integrating SSM in the ITUC is a confirmation of our ability in achieving the commitments and actions to create conditions and normative foundation for improving the economic and social work and legal status of workers - our members, for improving of living standards and quality of life and the willingness of SSM for mutual respect and tolerance and broad involvement in implementation of the Common strategic goals and objectives.

SSM’s admission in ITUC is confirmation of the well institutionalized social dialogue in Macedonia legitimated by the new agreement for the establishment of the Economic and Social Council in August 2010 and by the latest initiatives and signed agreements on establishment of local economic and social councils.
SSM’s admission is confirmation of the well established social dialogue with the Government and employers who searched for exit from the crisis in the new economic policies instead in restrictions, reduced labor rights, layoffs and increased pension limits, which is present not only in our neighborhood, but throughout most of Europe and the world.

The membership of SSM in ITUC means improved and intensified cooperation with other members and increased coordination and effective implementation of joint activities particularly focused on solving problems of economic and social nature such as unemployment and the need to increase employment (of youth in particular), determining the minimum social protection and construction of comprehensive systems of social security, which is in conformity with the ILO standards on social Justice for a Fair Globalization, achieved as a result of global tripartite consensus reached by the 185 member states of the ILO, which stresses interconnectedness and mutual support on employment, social protection , social dialogue and labor rights, i.e. the 4 strategic objectives of the Decent Work Program.

As a member of the ITUC, SSM expects flow of information and communication for promotion of labor standards, rule of law and harmonization of national legislation with the EU acquis. Participation of SSM representatives in the work and decisions of ITUC bodies will be useful, as well as intense involvement in the institutions of social dialogue for detecting, monitoring and delegation of certain problems and issues of concern to workers and minimizing and overcoming possible consequences and risks to their economic, social, working and legal status.

International Trade Union Confederation - ITUC is the world's largest trade union organization. It was established on 1 November 2006 at the Founding Congress in Vienna with the unification of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the World Confederation of Labour (WCL). The Second ITUC Congress was held in Vancouver, Canada, in June 2010.

International Trade Union Confederation - ITUC represents 176 millions of workers in 156 countries and territories, with 325 national trade unions.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc