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22.10.2013 foto 1The General Secretary of the Council of CCM Angjelko Angjelkovski (in the middle) presented the views of CCM on today's meeting

The Laws are not the only framework in the area of health and safety at work; equally important are the practical experience and positive examples of enterprises. Therefore we are here to listen diverse examples and to enrich shared experiences with a purpose to upgrade the system for health and safety (OHS).

This is part of the introductory remarks of the General Secretary of CCM Angjelko Angjelkovski o the panel debate "Good examples of implementation of the Law on Safety and Health at Work" organized by CCM and Foundation "Friedrich Ebert".

The Federation of Trade Unions has been paying particular attention to issues of safety and health at work. We have been maximally active before and after the adoption of the Law on Safety and Health at Work and the adoption of additional regulations. Special attention has been placed on the selection of OSH representatives in enterprises. It is a good manner that trade union participates in the choice and in this direction deficiencies in companies which have not formed trade unions have shown. Employers should be aware that can not avoid the implementation of OSH standards and that would be a benefit to all. It is best to act preventively in order to reduce side effects such as injuries at work, stressed Angjelkovski.

22.10.2013 foto 2At the meeting positive practices from several Macedonian companies have been presented

The representative of the "Friedrich Ebert" Foundation, Milan Zivkovic said that the goals and views of the Foundation and the trade unions almost coincide. The Foundation "Friedrich Ebert" has organized numerous seminars, roundtables and other meetings with the union tackling safety and health issues.

Agim Shaqiri, representative of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy said that OHS has developed into a culture in the labor environment in Macedonia. OHS in Macedonia has a long history, since 1946 and in 2001 we have entered the stage of universal access, i.e. adoption of European standards. The law was enacted in 2007 and the following regulations have been adopted: Basic Framework Directive 391 and additional 11 European directives. The Law is a good basis for adoption of other sublegal acts and we are on the right track in the further creation of a good legal OHS system.

On behalf of the Organization of Employers was speaking Jasna Mishevska who emphasized that OHS is one of the main priorities of ORM. We must take care of our adjustments in order to achieve greater safety in the workplace.

During the panel discussion presentations had Darko Tasev and Tanja Midzovska representatives from the company "Imperial Tobacco", Ivan Angelov representative from "Cementarnica Usje" JSC Skopje and Dijana Radevska Trpovska representative from "DASS Engineering" - Ohrid.

At today's panel debate an initiative to award National Award for good OHS practices was raised.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc