The workshop reviewed different experiences and European legislation
The involvement of employees in decision making in enterprises means legitimacy and transparency in companies as well as providing stable relations in work environments but also in society in general. This is one of the conclusions of the Workshop "Inclusion of workers for better and sustainable management companies in Macedonia" that was held in CCM on 17 October.
The workshop is part of the regional project "WIM" whose goals include inclusion of employees in decision-making in companies identifying the situation in the Member States, meeting with existing regulations, encouraging workers and employers for more flexible ways of working.
Mile Boskov, from the Business Confederation on the press conference stated that the revival of the Law on European Working Councils would be the right thing
The organizers of the workshop are the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, CCM, the Business Confederation of Macedonia, BKM and the Association of Employers of Slovenia "ZDS.
On the workshop practices and examples of improved social dialogue in Macedonia were presented and was discussed about the perception of social dialogue in terms of employers and trade unions, as well as comparison of the social dialogue in Slovenia and European countries considering the European legislation on social dialogue and results from the survey on working councils were presented.
During the meeting a press conference was held on which the executive chairman of the Business Confederation of Macedonia, Mile Boskov said that the basis of any compromise is dialogue and understanding.
Lidija Naskovska from CCM – the aim of the project is to update these processes in Macedonia
Lidija Naskovska, advisor for projects and EU integration in CCM said that one of the key objectives of the project is to introduce good practices in order to increase the role of workers in decision-making in Macedonia.
It is obvious that the interest of social dialogue in Macedonia is great and it encourages European Union accession. The interest is evident in all social partners - trade unions, employers and government, noted Anze Hirschl from the Association of Employers of Slovenia.
Anze Hirshl, from the Association of Employers of Slovenia: the development of social dialogue in Macedonia is encouraging
From the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia was speaking Andrej Zorka, who noted that the progress on these issues is actually opening another important way for faster EU integration, proved by the example of Slovenia.
Adrej Zorka said that trade unions are an important link in the movement toward the European Union
The Regional Project "WIM – Inclusion of workers for better and sustainable management of enterprises in Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia" began on February 5, 2013 and is still ongoing. Partners in the project are trade unions and employers' organizations from Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Austria, while the project was realized with the support of the European social partner "BUSINESSEUROPE".
(More information about the project is available on the same portal, on the banner of "WIM")