The problems which trade unions are faced with in the field of traffic and communications in the region overlap in many respects, and hence the impetus for joint action is even stronger.
This was stated at the Regional Panel Debate held 15-16 September 2013 in Skopje titled Trade Unions in the Traffic and Communications Sector – New Regional and European Challenges. It was organized by the Trade Unions of Workers in Traffic and Communications of Macedonia (SRSVM) in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Office in Macedonia. Participants included trade unionists from five countries in the region: Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, as well as representatives and guests from other organizations in the country.
Trade unions from the region of Eastern Europe in the sector of traffic and communications pointed to several problematic issues which are of common concern and pose challenges to all union actions: problems in the field of rights and responsibilities of employees – union members, problems related to union organizing and activity, as well as problems related to collective bargaining within national frameworks.
The conclusion was the most unions share similar problems in the region. The working atmosphere of the seminar passed in the spirit of support, cooperation and solidarity which resulted into adoption of several joint conclusions.
All seminar participants supported with acclamation the initiative for regional trade union cooperation. This implies networking between trade unions at the regional level in the field of traffic and communications in all fields of action. The networking should help enable exchange of information, joint resolving of problems, chance to access legislation, acts and documents as well as mutual aid and coordination when participating in European and international organizations and bodies. All the participants consent to regional cooperation and communicating the experiences from this event to colleagues so as more trade unions would join this cooperation.
At this meeting the unions agreed that trade unions SRSVM (Macedonia) and FTTUB (Bulgaria) shall coordinate the technical support in the accomplishment of this initiative, while all the national unions and participants in the seminar are member of the Initiative Committee.
It was agreed that technical support should be provided by FES office, as the connecting bridge that will facilitate trade union communication, while the union policy and decision-making is the role of unions participating in this initiative.
Also possibility was announced for holding of next meeting for November, if financial conditions are provided.
Participants in the meeting sent across an open call for including colleagues from all the countries in the international ITF Action Week for the Transport Sector (7-13 October) in order to coordinate even a wider action in support to the week’s slogans.
Participants in the seminar further agreed on marking one more action day with coordinated activities: November 25th the International ILO day for elimination of violence against women, on which the ITF is organizing campaigns every year.
Meeting participants entrusted with Ms. Yordanova, Member of the ITF Executive Committee to convey the information about this meeting, and the conclusions thereof, before he ITF colleagues.
On September 15 and 16 at the Sredno Vodno Hotel in Skopje a Regional Panel will be held which will focus on the regional networking and joint union activities in the countries of the Western Balkans. The Panel will be organized by the SRSVM and the FES Office in Macedonia jointly.
The Panel will bring together representatives of trade unions in the field of traffic and communications of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria as well as representatives of other organizations in the country.
The Regional Office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Belgrade in charge of Labor Relations and Social Dialogue in SEE has begun several projects on this topic. The goal is to exchange and use the experiences, especially in view of the building of better regional networks. At the coming Panel special emphasis will be placed on regional cooperation and unification of union force in the struggle for better working conditions for members of transportation trade unions in the region.