President Mitrevski and leadership of the Trade Union of Health - recognized representativeness means defined social partnership
From 27 to 29 September in Ohrid was held 17th Trade Union School of Independent Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Care. The school was opened by the President of the Union of Health Ljubisa Karanfilovski attended by SSM President Zivko Mitrevski PhD.
The two presidents spoke about the activities of the Union in the previous period. They pointed to the significant benefits provided by labor legislation and collective bargaining and union's position in society.
Trade Union school attended by trade unionists from health facilities across the country
The Decision on representativeness was awarded to the Union of Health, as the only representative in the country, which legitimizes its position in social partnership.
At the school, attended by union members, Dr. Konstantin Petkovski talked about collective bargaining from theoretical and practical aspect. Todor Kalamatiev PhD. and MSc. Aleksandar Ristovski had presentations.
17 Trade Union School was held within the educational concept of the Independent Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Care.
Седумнаесеттата синдикална школа се одржа во рамките на едукативниот концепт на Самостојниот Синдикат за здравство, фармација и социјална заштита.