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24.09.2013 foto1Today's press conference

We are pleased to inform you that another major activity started by the Trade Unions affiliated in CCM has been completed. That is receiving the Decision on determination of the level of representativeness on a branch level i.e. department in the public and private sector of nine branch Trade Unions affiliated in CCM; was stated at the press conference by the president of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy at the conclusion of the Commission on determination of representativeness upon the request of Trade Unions in compliance with the Labor Law has issued these Decisions:

1. Independent Trade Union of the Workers in Energy and Economy of the Republic of Macedonia

  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department in the public and private sector

2. Trade Union of the Workers in Agro

  • Industrial Complex of the Republic of Macedonia


  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department - "Manufacture of tobacco products"
  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department in order to participate in collective bargaining - activity "production of food products"
  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department in order to participate in collective bargaining - activity "Agriculture"

3. Trade Union of the workers in Construction, Industry and Civil Engineering of RM

  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department in the public and private sector
  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department to participate in collective bargaining by MLSP

4. Trade Union of the workers in Defense and Security of Macedonia

  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department

5. Independent Trade Union of the workers in Health, Social Care and Pharmacy of RM

  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department

6. Trade Union of the workers in Forestry, Wood Industry and Energy of RM

  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department

7. Macedonian Police Trade Union

  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department

8. Trade Union of the workers in Catering, Tourism, Communal economy, Crafts and Protective Associations of Macedonia

  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department

9. Trade Union of the Workers in the Textile, Leather and Shoe making Industry of RM

  • Decision on determination of representativeness of branch level i.e. department

The President Mitrevski added that procedures for obtaining Decisions on representativeness of other unions affiliated in CCM continue. Also, President Mitrevski informed of another major activity of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, which basically will contribute to strengthening international labor standards in our labor legislation which was published in the Official Gazette No. 55/13. Actively participating in the integration processes of the state CCM together with other social partners in October 2012 have submitted an initiative to ratify the following conventions, which later have been ratified:

  • Convention on collective bargaining, No. 154 from 1981;
  • Convention on Labor relations in public services, No. 151 from 1978, and the Recommendation on Labor Relations (Public Service) No. 159, and
  • Labor Administration Convention, No. 150 from 1978.

In the period 2010-2012 upon initiative of CCM accepted by representative trade unions and other social partners, five conventions of the International Labor Organization have been ratified.

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