With the legislation the debt problem of the Public Enterprise "Makedonski Sumi" has been solved. Turning debts in equity means eliminating the huge problem that has been a concern for the company for many years. It opens wide opportunities and perspectives but we need to know the following: before us is a new start and what we need is to turn towards future.
The resulting benefit is the result of many years persistence of both social partners
This was announced by the general director of "Makedonski Sumi", Zarko Karadzoski and the President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski at the session of the Presidium of the Union of Workers in Forestry, Wood Industry and Energy. The session was extended by the presidents of the branch trade unions and four members of the management team of "Makedonski Sumi".
We are talking about a debt of over 46 million, created on the basis of VAT, contributions, loans, interest and various other debts, informed the Director Karadzoski. On August 29 the Law on equity was adopted and will enact in eight days. The Government or state has done this in order to help us. However, from now on we will have to take a new start with changing habits and we must be aware that will get as much as we produce. Now the debt is zero but we can not allow bringing back the same situation.
Trade Unions were informed on the need for greater responsibility of all employees
The efforts of both social partners to address the inherent problems in PE have last for many years and with our persistence the huge problem is resolved, said President Mitrevski. He warned that a great benefit has been achieved but it is needed to work on the discipline and responsibility. We managed to keep the number of employees and we generally tend to keep the promise that there will be no layoffs and that we will seek to expand the rights of workers in the General Collective Agreement for the economy.
Mitrevski and Karadzoski stressed that in the company all kinds of rumors and misinformation have been spread which contributes to reduced production and discipline. They reported that for every change all subsidiaries will be informed by the Trade Union's representatives.
At the session was also explained that the amendments in the Law on forest are in function resolve illegal activities in the exploitation of forests, illegal logging and other negative phenomena leading to unfair competition in the public enterprise. Karadzoski also stressed that there are projects for new investment in the enterprise.
The President Mitrevski informed the participants on the confirmed representativeness of the Trade Union of the workers in Forestry, Wood Industry and Energy.