PhD Zivko Mitrevski, Dragan Radic and Emil Krstanoski : CCM accepts all initiatives that mean progress in the improvement of workers’ economic positionImproving the business climate brings great benefits for employers, government, Trade unions and the general population in the country. Neat relations in work environments are a factor in attracting foreign investment, job creation and standard growth.
This was stated among other things at the meeting of the President of CCM PhD Zivko Mitrevski with representatives of the International Labor Organization, the coordinator for Macedonia, Emil Krstanoski and Dragan Radic, Senior Specialist on Employers' Activities of the Office for Central and Eastern Europe, ILO Budapest.
The topic of the meeting was the possible fields of cooperation with CCM on the regulation of numerous issues on improving the business climate and business environment in the country.
President Mitrevski explained that CCM has excellent cooperation with the social partners, which is an exception for the region. The Government, employers and trade unions build their relations on the basis of mutual respect and trust, which has led Macedonia to be distinguished from all the countries in the region where serious social turmoil occurs. One of the benefits of the progress of social dialogue is the collective bargaining and negotiations, as opposed to the practical suspension of collective bargaining in some neighboring countries. CCM participates in the creation of laws in the field of labor relations, in the National Council for European Integration, OHS and in many other areas. CCM accepts all initiatives that will mean improvement in the economic status of the workers, said Mitrevski.
Representatives of ILO informed about the research conducted in 170 SMEs in the country. The aim of the research is the biggest problems to be identified and to prepare a platform for lobbying where certain role would have the union itself. Detected problems are: regulatory framework and frequently changing regulations, finance availability, engagements of banks and high interest rates; judicial system with its slow and expensive procedures, illegal competition, and as the fifth factor, lack of entrepreneurial culture. Common situation in surrounding countries is that youth are not educated in entrepreneurial spirit, but conversely, they are directed to enter public services.
The results are the basis for solutions, answers for future action, explained ILO representative, despite the comparative analysis conducted in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Ireland and Bulgaria which can complement the picture with Macedonia. The ILO Office in Geneva has found 17 pillars to improve business climate.
At the meeting both sides agreed that there is sound ground for cooperation of trade unions and ILO on improving the overall business climate in the country.