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20.08.2013 foto1Presidency of CCM on the press conference today

The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia is a leader in realization and providing free legal protection of workers. Legal protection is an area where benefits of being a member of the Federation of Trade Unions are directly felt.

This among other things was emphasized by the President of CCM PhD Zivko Mitrevski on today's press conference, attended by the Presidents of the unions affiliated in CCM. At the press conference the data on the legal protection by CCM in the first half of 2013 was presented.

In addition we present the report of the President Mitrevski. The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia under its statutory objectives provides free legal protection of labor rights of its members. Trade union membership in CCM provides direct protection of employees’ rights, primarily through the activities of the Department of Labor, legal protection and collective bargaining in CCM and relevant unions where workers are members.

Activities to protect workers' rights take legal authorized representatives and union representatives in 10 regional union subsidiaries (Skopje, Bitola, Veles, Delčevo Kavadarci, Kumanovo, Ohrid, Prilep, Tetovo, Stip) and the union offices (in Resen, St. Nikole Berovo, Vinica, Kocani, Gevgelija, Negotino Kriva Debar, Struga, Makedonski Brod, Gostivar, Kicevo, Strumica, Probishtip Radovish).

In the period January-June 2013 in the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia 2293 complaints have been made on various legal grounds, to protect the employment rights of workers. Most of the addresses are: SUTKOZ (862), Agro (793), SIER (598) SGIP (215)
In order to solve problems preemptively the following actions are taken:

  • 55 cases resolved by agreement
  • for 1069 - given legal, expert advice on the procedure for workers' rights realization
  • Prepared 515 inquiries and 151 complaints to competent authorities in other enterprises or institutions in the country
  • Prepared 24 complaints to the State Labor Inspectorate

As before most of the addresses are based on:

  • поднесени се 82 тужбени барања ,
  • водени се 335 расправи , а добиени се 316 пресуди .

Како и досега најголем број обраќања се по основ на:

  • Unpaid wages - 526
  • Reimbursement for food - 227
  • Reimbursement for transportation-221
  • Regress for vacation - 70
  • Unpaid contributions to PDI - 553
  • Unpaid contributions for health insurance - 217
  • Dismissal of business reasons - 554,
  • Changed employment contracts -85
  • Trade union rights - 119
  • Employment - 10
  • Overtime work - 91
  • Dismissal for personal reasons - 40
  • Dismissal of business reasons -554
  • Forced vacation -23
  • Bankruptcy 79

CCM provides free legal protection for their members and employees while they have no costs and expenses.
Roughly calculated by taken legal action, CCM earned savings for workers over 7,500,000.00 MKD.

In order to improve and promote free legal protection of labor rights CCM in future will strive for:

  • Establishment of special courts for labor disputes
  • Reduce in legal fees, i.e. reduce or completely cancelation of the cost of litigation for labor disputes
  • Implementation of the Law on Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes
  • Better functioning of the Law on protection against harassment at workplace
  • Active monitoring of any changes or adoption of new laws in the labor sphere
  • Consistent application of all ratified conventions, recommendations and directives
  • Respect for workers' rights regulated by CA at all levels
  • Education of union membership in terms of recognition of workers' rights and their strict adherence, realization and protection
  • Realization of concrete cooperation and joint action with the State Labor Inspectorate, the Ombudsman and other relevant institutions.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc