Minister of Labor Dime Spasov and President of SSM Dr. Zivko Mitrevski at the press conference
This year for the first time the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy decided to act preemptively to protect workers from high temperatures – was said on July 26, at a press conference in SSM, by President Dr. Zivko Mitrevski and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Dime Spasov. It is a complex of measures, which are multidimensional and include more subjects. The measures are aimed at proper organization of work, calculation of risks, educational moments, recommended length of working hours, mandatory measures for air conditioning, protective equipment, special diets, etc. We are pleased that SSM, the Ministry of Labor and the Government created for the first time a special program for protection against high temperatures, said President Mitrevski. Minister Dime Spasov informed on recommendations and measures for the employers.
President Mitrevski briefed journalists on SSM’s draft measures for safety and health at work and the impact of heat waves on workers’ health. The findings and information of SSM, which are based on scientific research of specialized institutions in the country, confirmed that due to the high temperatures, riskiest jobs in health workers in the construction, agriculture, electrical energy, metallurgy, transport / traffic, mining (surface mining), trade, food industry, hygiene, textile industry, military, police, firefighters and general employees who perform field work.
SSM requires of the employers as of the most responsible:
- To take preventive measures that will address the proper organization of the work.
- To control the working process and to assess workplace risks;
- To Inform workers about the high temperatures, heat waves, harmful UV rays, and to train them on providing first aid and other procedures and measures to be taken to prevent the possible consequences of the impact of heat on their health ;
- To avoid overtime, to use of rest breaks set by law and if necessary to use additional breaks when the temperature is high, particularly between 11.00 and 16.00 pm;
- For those who work outdoors, to provide temporary cooling shelter in the shade;
- For those who work indoors to provide well ventilated and air-conditioned workplace;
- To monitor the health of workers and to organize medical examinations in accordance with law;
- To provide and require the use of personal protective equipment, to recommend wearing proper clothing, taking necessary quantities of fluids, special diet during summer and other preventive measures;
Minister Dime Spasov explained that state labor inspectors will seek to implement security measures and will provide the following recommendations:
- adequate ventilation and possibly air conditioning in workplaces
- avoiding working outdoors during the hottest period of the day, from 11 to 17 pm
- changes in the organization of the work process (introduction of shifts)
- providing shelters where workers can refresh themselves,
- frequent breaks during work and fluid consumption,
- work clothes to be lightweight and of porous fabric, and when working outdoors to wear sunglasses and hats,
- preventive measures for increased risks of accidents at work.
If the employer does not comply with the Decision of the inspector of labor and fails to correct the irregularities and deficiencies, under the provisions of the Law will be charged with a fine of 5.000 to 8.000 euros for legal entity and a fine of 500 to 1.000 euros for the responsible person. In 2012, when Macedonia was hit by a heat wave of phase 2 (orange stage), state labor inspectors carried out 80 inspections per day, with 30 Decisions on prohibition of work, from 11 to 17 am. The Decisions of state labor inspectors were respected by the employers and there were no criminal proceedings.
This week was adopted the Action plan valid until the end of 2013 foresees that each of the State Labor Inspectors of the Health and Safety area specifically have to conduct 40 monthly inspections of companies, which will determine the implementation of laws and regulations will significantly increase control, informed Minister Dime Spasov.