The June 10 is the first day of the application of the Law on mobbing, whose decision is extremely important for the regulation of relations in work environments. The adoption of the Law is of a historical importance because it will contribute to creating a healthy work environment and relaxed relations, said the President of CCM PhD Zivko Mitrevski on today's press conference that was held due to the adoption of the Law on Mobbing...
We thank all stakeholders who have contributed to the Project the Law to be successfully completed. That branch Trade Unions, Women's Sections, the Office for assistance and education of mobbing victims in CCM, many non-governmental and civil society organizations, especially the working groups in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, and from the members of the Parliament I would like to address Ms. Liliana Popovska who has been present at all initiatives from the very beginning...
The meaning of the Law is reflected by indicators of damage caused. Namely on a month base in the country 800,000 Euros are spent for health treatment caused by mobbing, which means that the annual damage is about 10 million Euros.
The survey conducted by the Trade Union of the workers in the financial sector in Macedonia has showed that 42 percent of respondents said they were victims of psychological harassment in the workplace. We are pleased that there are serious penalties in amount form five to six thousand Euros for mobbing and up to four thousand for the responsible person. Employers are obliged within three months to inform workers about the Law and the provision of penalty and compensation.
Artemis Peric from the Project team to assist and educate victims of mobbing at CCM has encouraged workers to protect and exercise their rights under this law, said Mitrevski. Feel free to contact the legal representatives of CCM, Trade unions and branch office for assistance. We would like to encourage employers to respect workers' rights and to contribute to the creation of relaxed industrial relations. We will do everything the law not to remain on paper, but to exercise in practice and in that direction CCM will conduct additional training for its members on mobbing.
The questions of journalists regarding the areas in which mobbing is most common the answer was that most people complaining are from textile industry, healthcare and administration. Regarding the type of pressures, around 60 percent it refers to employment and most prevalent is the psychological harassment, before the physical and sexual harassment.
Тhis is the third strategic law adopted upon the initiative of CCM на ССМ...