SGIP’s First Youth Summer School

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30.05.2013 foto1 dole

From 24 to 26 May 2013 in Mavrovo was held the first Summer School of Youth Section of SGIP. Over 40 young participants employed in the construction sector had the opportunity to hear about the activities and role of the trade union.

The seminar was attended by young members of the Construction trade unions of Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania.

The first summer school launched a brochure prepared by the Youth Section under the slogan "Youth are building the future!"

Special emphasis was put on precarious work, fixed-term contracts, non-payment of overtime and unemployment. Because these problems are common to all young people from our region, the summer school was ideal for sharing experiences and making strategy for joint action on youth in the region and beyond.

The joint message of the summer school:
As Youth Section of SGIP, we are sending strong message to the summer camp Mayerhoffen, Germany and to the other unions in Europe and the world: trade union is solidarity organization that should act together and cooperate with other unions. Our idea is to continue to highlight the activities of young people in the BWI Congress resolution through Youth Resolution. The idea of holding the Summer School grew out of the activities of young people last year achieved through campaigns to keep young minds in the country, to stop the unregistered work and to raise awareness of our youth through informal education. We hope that with the support of BWI the activities of the Youth Section of SGIP will continue and that we will succeed to contribute to a better tomorrow for all workers. 

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc