28/05/2013The two sides agreed that they have many common views on close cooperation
Turkish "Turk Metal" and the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia have identical views on cooperation in many fields, was the joint conclusion of the meeting.
The meeting was attended by the President of SSM Dr. Zivko Mitrevski, secretary of the Council of SSM Angelko Angjelkovski and President of SUTKOZ Zoran Georgievski. Turk Metal was represented by branch secretaries Nedim Veske, Cihan Jaha , Mesut Erdem and Devrim Duman of the international department of Turk Metal.
President of SSM Dr. Zivko Mitrevski briefed the guests on the agenda and achievements of SSM in the past three years. Mitrevski emphasized that there are opportunities for joint applications for EU projects. Next aspect of cooperation would be protection of labor rights of workers in Turkish companies in Macedonia. Since both countries are candidates for membership in EU there is need for exchange of experiences in the process of EU integration. We are witnessing global concentration of capital, so the logical answer is cooperation and unity of trade unions.
Nedim Veske briefed on the situation in the Turkish trade unions. Turk Metal is a member of the national union Turk-Is, which comprises 33 branch unions. Turk Metal with 151.000 members is one of the major trade unions affiliated in Turk-Is.
It was discussed about exchange of experts for developing cooperation, consulting on projects, cooperation between youth and women sections, etc.