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Претседателот д-р Живко Митревски зборуваше за ставовите и стратегијата на ССМ против овие појавиPresident Dr. Zivko Mitrevski talked about SSM’s views and strategy against these phenomenaToday and tomorrow in hotel Arka in Skopje, ITUC PERC organize conference on trade union strategies for taxation, informal economy and corruption.

Opening statement was made by ITUC-PERC representative Enisa Salimovic. Grigor Gradev, Executive Secretary of ITUC - PERC, spoke on "Informalization of the corruption," Christina Petkova on "Establishment unregistered funds and use of pay transactions with cash and bribes," Hristina Mitreva had a presentation on "Policy thresholds of social contributions for pensions and health funds", Krastjo Ptkov spoke on the "Activities on organizing local workshops in Bulgaria and South-Eastern Europe", while Martin Hutsebaut of the ETUC spoke on "Taxation".

President of SSM Dr. Zivko Mitrevski talked about the importance of these social conditions and exposed positions and operational efforts of SSM.

The conference was attended by representatives of several unions of Southeast Europe, who discussed on strategies for building trade union action against these phenomena.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc