4/29/2013President of Youth Section Lidia Naskovska and President of SSM Zivko Mitrevski PhD (in the middle)
Today Youth Section of SSM held session to discuss the main future objectives.
President of the section Lidia Naskovska, advisor for projects and EU Integration of SSM, discussed to define the most important goals in the future.
Naskovska informed of the signed agreement of cooperation of the sections of young trade unionists in the Regional Trade Union Council "Solidarity", which includes unions from countries of the former Yugoslav Federation. At the meeting held in Sarajevo in mid-April was agreed organizing of youth camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that a website is establishing of young trade unionists in "Solidarity", where all national sections will be part of.
Besides networking of the youth sections, intensive work is needed on the Government’s Action Program for Youth Employment. Also, this year will continue the School for young trade union leaders, which held several sessions last year.