Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility

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03.04.2013 foto1President Zivko Mitrevski: Socially responsible companies must be organized in unions and to have social dialogue

Republic of Macedonia is regional leader in the organization of corporate social responsibility, although there are many components that need to be regulated.

This was said on today's conference held in EU Centre in Skopje, being the start of the Project “Cooperative Social Responsibility for all." As informed by the moderator Mile Boškov of the Business Confederation of Macedonia, the project is supported by the European Commission and is led by the Turkish Federation of Associations of Employers. Ratricipants in the Project will be International Organization of Employers (IOE), Croatian Organization of Employers (CEA), Business Confederation of Macedonia, Montenegro Employers’ Federation (MEF) and the National Council of Small and Medium Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR). The project will last two years, until 1 December 2014.

President of SSM Zivko Mitrevski, PhD. said that given the global economic crisis, stakeholders and participants showed courage and responsibility in the progress of this concept in the country. The concept stimulates us all to accept more advanced principles and practices than those of the classical principles of neoliberal capitalism. Position of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and all trade unions in the country, is that without union organization there can be no social responsibility. SSM was asking for implementation of social components in social responsibility and therefore we encourage holders of this project to act in this direction.

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