President Zivko Mitrevski: Most important is that we didn’t allow layoffs
Today in SSM was held a meeting organized by the Trade Union of Workers in Forestry, Wood Industry and Energy of Macedonia. The meeting was attended by the presidents of trade union organizations of the Trade Union of Forestry of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia in the field of forestry and national parks and the management team of the Public Enterprise "Macedonian Forests", led by General Manager Mr. Zarko Karadzoski.
At the beginning of the meeting President of the Trade Union of Forestry Zivko Mitrevski, PhD., informed attendees about the activities of the Trade Union and SSM in terms of activities for improving of legal protection in employment legislation or amendments on the Law on Forests, activities related to the efforts of the union and the results where the in period of worst global crisis in the field of forestry there were no layoffs of workers, no cuts in salaries and promotion regarding the payment of wages and compliance with the collective agreement.
Zarko Karadzoski: Cooperation with the Trade Union is a very important link in the transformation of the system
General manager of PE "Macedonian Forests" Karadzoski informed about activities on engagement in PE about investment cycle, reorganizing and implementing of the investment cycle (tractors and off-road vehicles), stimulating the labor of workers who work in forests (cutters and other). Karadzoski informed about activities around transformation, which must be compliant with current European trends and which will not include layoffs. Rather, retention of jobs will be to ensured, as well as improvement of professional reorganization within the public enterprise and stimulating work in the forests. This transformation will be done by a special law, and all activities will include the trade union, including the preparation of all supporting acts.