16.03.2013Zivko Mitrevski: we preserved one of the pillars which is priority for trade unions
The minimum wage for textile, leather and shoe industry is increased, announced today the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski. From next month to the workers of leather, textile and shoe industry, the employer will have to pay 596 MKD more than the current monthly income. According to the projected dynamics, in two years income should be equal to other activities.
Social and Economic Council decided not to cut the minimum wage, i.e. the sum of 8.050 MKD remains unchanged. There will be no changes to any retirement condition.
The agreement is the result of the mutual trust of the social partners
Trade Unions are satisfied with the agreement with the Ministry of Labor and with the Economic and Social Council. Preserving the same amount of the minimum wage is a good deal, because in other countries as a result of the economic downturn minimum wage is reduced. About 15% of the total working population in Macedonia gets a monthly salary of 8.050 MKD, while 25% get 10.000 MKD.
President of SSM Zivko Mitrevski said, "We saves one of the pillars which is priority for trade unions. There are no wage cuts, no mass layoffs and no increase in the retirement age. As a result of the mutual trust of the social partners, even during the most difficult times of economic crisis, we achieved no reduction in the minimum wage and an increase in the minimum wage in these sectors."
The Law on Minimum Wage began with implementation from January 2012. It sets the minimum wage to be paid on a monthly basis for full-time work in the amount of 39.6% of the average gross wage in Macedonia calculated with the previous year.
The amount of the minimum wage in other sectors for 2013 is gross 8.050 MKD, i.e. net salary of 12.268 MKD.
By aligning the activities of textile, clothing, leather and similar products, minimum gross salary in 2013 will amount to 10.990 MKD or net 6.859 MKD.
Minister Spirovski said that if there is an irregularity they will react immediately
After one year of application of the Law on minimum wage, there is no information on abuses or irregularities in payment. I appeal to the employees and the trade unions, in case of certain irregularities in the payment of the minimum wage to take timely measures and to promptly inform and to report to the State Labour Inspectorate, said Ristovski.