
We expect the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to accept the provisions of Republic of Macedonia to become a full member of the European Union. Since the beginning of transition Macedonian trade unions were determined for the same goal and therefore are prepared to participate in the processes that will lead to full integration of the country in EU.
This was said by the president of SSM Zivko Mitrevski, PhD., during the seminar "Current trends in the process of EU integration - challenges and opportunities for trade unions", held on 29 and 30 March at the Hotel Aleksandar Palace ". The meeting was attended by officials from various bodies and institutions of the ETUC and representatives from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Croatia and other European countries.
Organizer is ETUI, the host is SSM, and seminar is attended by representatives of branch trade unions, Minister of Labor and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski and President of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions Mirjana Andreska.
President Zivko Mitrevski explained that SSM supports the process of integration since the independence of the country in 1991. For SSM, integration is a priority of all trade union activities. The commitment to build and live in a modern society, which will be governed by democracy is a strong challenge to join in these processes.
SSM participates in the work of committees and bodies of top state institutions - the National Council for European Integrations, parliamentary committees, as the Commission of Labour and Social Policy, Legislative Committee, the Finance and Budget Commission, Health Care Commission, Commission for equal opportunities for women and youth. SSM provides strong support of the Delegation of the Assembly’s Joint Parliamentary Committee of the Republic of Macedonia and the European Union, which was formed in 2004. SSM participates in the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health and is represented in the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, Health Insurance Fund, Employment Agency, while collaborating with the NGO sector. Of particular importance of SSM is the progress of the social dialogue and it becomes more constructive with the work of the Economic and Social Council.
With the signing of the Agreement for Stabilization and Association, the Joint Consultative Committee of the European Social Committee (ECOSOC) was established, with a representative from SSM. SSM continuously cooperates with the iLO. After SSM’s initiative within the Ministry of Labor was opened the ILO Office and were ratified five ILO conventions.
SSM is actively involved in the process of harmonization of the legislation of the Republic of Macedonia with EU acquis. It refers primarily to the Labour Law, the Law on Minimum Mage, which is historic for the labor movement, the Law on OHS, the Law on European Workers’ Councils and many other laws. Harmonization of legislation is closely linked to the promotion of collective bargaining at all levels. In 2012 was signed the General Collective Agreement for economy, and in process are negotiations for the General Collective Agreement for the public sector, while at company level there are signed over 40 % of the possible Collective agreements, said Mitrevski.
Internationally, SSM has intense cooperation with the ETUC and ITUC - PERC in which in 2011 SSM and KSS were admitted as associate members. With the support of ITUC - PERC, ILO, FES and other organizations and associations were organized and held numerous activities for EU integrations and implementation of European directives and international standards in labor legislation, concluded Mitrevski.

Minister of Labour and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski in his speech pointed out that one of the conditions for EU integration is development and strengthening of social dialogue as a mean of achieving consensus on important economic and social issues. Trade Unions have a very important role as one of the partners in the tripartite dialogue of the Economic and Social Council. SSM is a representative body of workers in Macedonia and actively participate in the achievement of social dialogue. Together we can make a number of solutions that will help in the development of society as a whole. The solutions are always considered by the Economic and Social Council before submission to the Government and Parliament.
In the last period we gave special attention to strengthening of Trade Unions’ capacities by participating in various projects funded by the EU, where some of the activities are designed for the social partners. Capacities of trade unions are promoted in different areas, such as long-term planning of the labor market, monitoring and evaluation of policies on the labor market, the introduction of EU legislation and other issues. Unions participate in implementation of several projects, including support for young people, long term unemployed, unemployed women, modernization of the institutions of the labor market, strategic planning of education in line with European practices, measures for youth employment.
The legal framework is essential for establishing of the social dialogue. That framework in RM exists, but most important the degree of effectiveness of the social dialogue. It is very important to respect the interests of all parties in the process of social dialogue. The cooperation of the social partners remains a driving force in maintaining the balance of social and economic development.
Confirmationof the progress of the social dialogue is the final report of the European Commission for Republic of Macedonia. I would also mention the joint declaration that was signed by the Ministry of Labor of RM with the Federal Public Service of Labour, Employment and Social Dialogue of the Kingdom of Belgium, which will establish cooperation in many fields, especially in the field of social dialogue, with the support of experts from Brussels . This confirms that the core of the EU really tries to help Macedonia in implementing best practices in order to join to European family, said Minister Spirovski.
President Mitrevski said for the media that completion of the draft law on mobbing is alredy finished. About specific anti-crisis measures Mitrevski said the purpose of SSM includes three pillars - not to allow massive dismissal of workers, not to allow wage cuts and not to allow increase in retirement limit. Also there are ongoing activities to increase the amount of the minimum wage from 8.050 MKD to 8.600 MKD.