Second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project "Informed and experienced for a sustainable agriculture"

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The first meeting of the Project Steering Committee, October 9, 2012 (photo archive)

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On 5 and 6 of November in the Continental Hotel in Skopje was held the second meeting of the Steering Committee of the project "Informed and experienced for a sustainable agriculture."

The purpose of the meeting was the review of the work and communication of the partnership, collection and analysis of information in the process of information and consultation, checking the progress of methodology, dissemination and publication of project results, definition of the concept of transnational conference and other purposes.

At the meeting presentations had project manager Svetla Vasileva President of the union "FNZC" from Bulgaria, Valentina Vasilionova, Project coordinator, Jean Pierre Klapuch of EFFAT.


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