Press conferences of the six regional Trade Union offices of CCM on the occasion of the European Day of Action

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Синдикалниот актив на Велес на денешната конференција за печат
Trade Union of Veles at today's press conference

On the occasion of the European Day of Action six regional Trade Union offices of CCM held press conferences: Tetovo, Bitola, Prilep, Veles Delcevo and Ohrid.


Претседателот на РСП Охрид Драган Цветаноски со соработниците
President of RSP Ohrid Dragan Cvetanoski with his colleagues

Press conferences were held by the secretaries of regional trade union offices and the Presidents of the trade union organizations of enterprises and institutions in the region. Local newspapers, TV and radio, were informed on the CCM address to the Government and were also given answers to specific questions from reporters on the CCM action platform.

President of RSP Ohrid Dragan Cvetanoski with his colleagues

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc