European Day Of Action And Solidarity For CCM Lasts Whole Year

Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia fully supports European day of action and solidarity, said at today's press conference President Zivko Mitrevski.
For CCM, days of action last throughout the year, not just one day. CCM continuously performs its platform and encourages the Government and the Organization of employers to be constructive and to contribute in projects that are of importance for the economic and social position of workers. It refers to the labor standards, social policy and the general preservation of the fundamental values of labor.
Mitrevski also informed on the announced adoption of a law on mobbing. Adoption of the Law on Mobbing is a big victory for the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and further proof that CCM proves in specific activities. We were criticized for the way of our action, but we have proof that the work of the CCM have concrete results.