Awarded 20 Anti mobbing advisors
Today in the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia 20 Anti mobbing advisors were awarded with licenses on mobbing for the completed three day training.
The licenses of the new advisors were given by the President of SSM, Zivko Mitrevski who explained SSM’s aims and platform in combating mobbing.
Today’s event is part of SSM’ s Agenda in combating with this condition. On May 1, we introduced the Initiative on adoption of a special law on mobbing for which I deem that it would be completed at the Session of the Presidency of SSM on May 28. An interest by the other social partners in the creation of the text was also raised- said Zivko Mitrevski.
Mitrevski expressed his thankfulness to the President of the Trade Union of the workers in Finance, who is promoter and bearer of this Project, as well as to the members of the Team of Experts in the Office for help and education of mobbing victims.