On May 10 2012 CCM held workshop named "The role of workers’ OHS representatives in the implementation of the OHS Law." Lecturers were Professor Todor Kalamatiev of the Faculty of Law, with the topic "OHS - basic labor law," Jeff Bridgford - former director of the European Trade Union College, who spoke on "OHS in the workplace - an opportunity for Trade unions" and inspector Sladjana Andonovska of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which explained the role of OHS representatives in the implementation of the OHS Law.
The seminar is part of the ECBOHS Project - European Cooperation Bridges o Occupational Health and safety, in which framework in Macedonia and the countries from the region were organized numerous conferences, seminars and workshops.
Speaking for the media CCM President Zivko Mitrevski, specifically noted that the project is supported by the European Union and that the training fits into CCM’s overall efforts for implementation of European legislation in Macedonia.