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The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia CCM, The Trade Union of financial activities of Macedonia and the expert team of the Office for assistance and education for mobbing victims organized on 1st of May training for antimobbing advisors.

The first part of training "General introduction to the legal provisions and the role of CCM and trade union representatives in the application of the law and the need to enact a special law for protection from mobbing" was held yesterday, the 1st of May. The three presenters are members of the expert team of the Office for assistance and education of mobbing victims. Representatives and members of the branch trade unions affiliated in CCM were participating at the event.

The second part of the training will be held in ten days, entitled "Procedure for acceptance of mobbed workers, counseling, education, and providing professional assistance."

The third part is entitled "The experience of current practice in the work of the Office of mobbing, presentation of cases processed and results of the representation of the mobbed workers."

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc