May Day Statement

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01.05.2012_ssm_1majIn several media were published negative reaction for CCM and the manner of celebrating the International Day of Labor. CCM gave statement explaining that the platform of new leadership is planning celebrating of the May Day by working.

Generally, favour is being given to the specific projects and the social dialogue before all other forms of reaction. The best way to preserve labor rights and standards is work instead of conflicts, discussions instead strikes, social dialogue instead opposing. We do not rule out strikes and demonstrations, but the basic definition of international trade unionism, which operates more than 130 years is saying that strike is the Trade unions’ last resort. In other words, priority is given to discussions and agreements, and we reach to conflict when primary means do not work.

Specifically, last May Day was beginning of CCM Initiative for law on minimum wage. The law was adopted after 7 months. The effect is improved position of 65000 people in the country.

This year we have launched an Initiative for adopting of Law on mobbing, because we believe that workers should be protected against massive occurrence of psychological harassment at workplace. In fact, the agenda of CCM has other initiatives as well to address other life issues of working people

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