
"This year the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia decided to celebrate the International Labour Day - May Day by holding a conference dedicated to the protection of human dignity by preventing psychological harassment at workplace. On this occasion today we launch an initiative for adopting a special law on protection against mobbing”.
This is part of the speech of the President Zivko Mitrevski at today's conference "To protect human dignity by adopting anti-mobbing legislation," which commemorates the first of May.
Before the conference President Mitrevski and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski gave statements to the media about the work done in the last period and the future tasks. President Zivko Mitrevski said CCM has decided to celebrate the holiday working, as in the past two years, when they were initiated campaigns on recruitment and minimum wage.
CCM is especially committed to exercising the right to a healthy and safe working environment, which includes protection from psychological pressure, harassment and intimidation, known as mobbing.
Unfortunately, mobbing in Macedonia becomes more frequent and massive.
The text of the law will be submitted to the Economic and Social Council, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Government. CCM will insist on constituting a separate body with a special program to combat mobbing, respect for trade union representative and OHS representative.