The Congress of the Trade Union of the workers in Forestry is held today

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ДЕНЕС ОДРЖАН КОНГРЕС НА СИНДИКАТОТ ЗА ШУМАРСТВОToday in Ohrid the Second Congress of the Trade Union of the workers in forestry, wood industry and energy of the Republic of Macedonia was held. PhD Zivko Mitrevski is re-elected for a President in the next five year term.

At the Congress a new Statute and a Action Program for the period from 2012 to 2017 was adopted. Also a Resolution on Forest Certification was adopted.

Besides the delegates and guests from trade unions and other institutions of the country, the Congress was attended by Ambert Juson, General Secretary of BWI, The World Federation of Trade Unions in forestry and construction industry, Jasmin Redzhepovik, BWI official and the President of the Independent Trade Union of Forestry and wood manufacture of Serbia Radomir Stevic.

In the Action Programme for the period 2012 - 2017 the six main points are: development of internal democratic processes and strengthening of the organization model, trade union education and training, international cooperation, collective bargaining, transformation of PE "Makedonski Sumi" and forest certification in RM and its inclusion in SSM’s activities.


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