SGIP and BWI Campaign on Corridor 10
SGIP’s dedication on Corridor 10 engagements continues with the support of BWI (Building and Wood Worker`s International).
Today, Ms. Fiona Murie, Secretary for International Financial Institution Relations and BWI OHS Director, and Jasmin Redzepovik, BWI Educational Assistant, together with the President of SGIP Mr. Pavel Trendafilov and the General Secretary Blaguna Stojkovska are having several meetings in different institutions in order to supervise the engagements of Corridor 10. The meetings include the Agency of state roads, Ministry of Transport, and the European Bank for Construction and Development, which is the main investor of the Project.
SGIP’s main demand is that the engagement is received by domestic companies. SGIP’s activities with BWI for implementation of ILO Convention No. 94 in the Macedonian legislation last for many years. SGIP together with BWI where it is a full time member organized two international conferences in Skopje in the past years. ILO Convention No. 94 is being ratified by the Parliament of R. Macedonia in July 2010. What comes is the harder part, the implementation of Convention’s provisions in Macedonian Laws.
The value of Demir Kapija- Smokvice, a road of 28,5 km is 250 million Euros credit of European Bank for Construction and Development and the European Investment Bank. SGIP deems that the money which would be on a citizens’ burden should be an engagement of the Macedonian Construction companies.