Reach agreement on the beneficial years of service of the workers in the mining sector

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Долгодишната иницијатива на синдикатите прифатена  - денес објавено решението за стажот на рударите
The long time initiative of trade unions is accepted - today the decision on beneficial years of service of miners was announced

The beneficial years of service of 12 months of the miners will be considered for service of 16, 17 or 18 months – is stated in the new permanent solution of the government for the longlasting problem of the miners’ years of service. The information was announced by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Mr. Spiro Ristovski at the press conference attended by the President of SSM Mr. Zivko Mitrevski, the President of SIER, Mr. Pece Ristevski and the President of SONK Mr. Dojcin Cvetanovski.

Trade unionists have expressed satisfaction regarding the new measure of MLSP. The President of SSM Zivko Mitrevski said that this formula for calculation of service means meeting many problems that come across this category of workers who are most at risk. The solution shows that in terms of global economic crisis workers’ problems could be solved. This approach to social dialogue would be used in future and we do hope that whenever we suggest a constructive proposal to MLSP and the government we would receive positive responses emphasised Zivko Mitrevski.

The President of the trade union of the workers of industry, energy and mining Mr. Pece Ristovski said that this is a practical solution to a problem in real life. We showed that we are constructive partners seeking solutions to the problems arising in real life. I do hope in future that we would receive a positive agreement of workers social issues from the Government, said Ristovski.

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