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Од Конференцијата на Проектот ECBOHS во ССМ (фото архива)
ECBOHS Project Conference in CCM (photo archive)

On 8 and 9 March in Istanbul was held partnership meeting of the ECBOHS project. The purpose of the meeting was evaluation of the activities of partners in 2011 and planning the next activities.

CCM was represented by Dr. Todor Kalamatiev of the Faculty of Law, the General Secretary of the Council of CCM Angelko Angelkovski and Biljana Stojkovska, member of the project team.

The project involves the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the association "Gea" from Banja Luka, the Federation of Employers of Montenegro, Confederation of Trade Unions of Albania, "Nezavisnost" from Serbia, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Kosovo, and the Turkish Union of metalworkers MESS.

The meeting was attended by EU experts: Antero Vahapasi, Heikki Laitinen Erkki Irjaneiki and Jeff Bridzhford. Within the meeting the four experts presented their views on the situation of safety and health in the participating countries. Three seminars are planned in framework of the project: "The role of representatives of workers in OHS implementation ", "The role of unions in protecting workers' rights and OHS", "Operation of offense commission, conciliation and mediation and misdemeanors as penal way of law enforcement ", as well as a round table "The role of the executive power in providing support for OHS."

Within the project, in October in CCM was held the conference "Safety and Health at Work - basic labor law" and the workshop "The impact of working conditions on physical and mental health of the workers” in November.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc