PROCLAMATION of Macedonian Trade Unions for the the European Action Day

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On the occasion of European Action Day February 29, 2012 organized by the European Confederation of Trade Unions, the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Macedonia and the Union of Independent and Autonomous Trade Unions of Macedonia to the competent authorities in the country are sending the following

  1. We, the trade unions as representatives of the workers are asking Macedonia to become a full member of the European Union as soon as possible.
  2. Trade Unions seek for faster and more systematic implementation of the European Recovery Plan that gives priority to investment in sustainable economic growth, quality jobs, social justice and fight against inequality, because it will have positive impact on our country and our workers.
  3. Social dialogue to be intensified in terms of alleviating the consequences of economic crisis, especially preservation of jobs, regular payment of salaries of workers, increasing the aid to socially vulnerable people, participation of trade unions with proposals on increasing of the cost of heating energy.
  4. Strengthening of the social dialogue and collective bargaining at all levels with special emphasis on collective bargaining at employer’s level.
  5. Creation of new jobs and employing young, professional and skilled workers.
  6. Increased activities of the competent authorities in the fight against tax fraud and evasion, corruption and money laundering.



Rasko Mishkoski
Zivko Mitrevski
Slobodan Antovski

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