Soon in Bitola will be established Local Economic and Social Council, which will consider economic and social issues at the local level.
According to Silvana Angelevska, President of the Municipality of Bitola, the idea is based on previous experience from other countries with such local economic and social councils. With the assistance of USAID career centers were open in several schools and in the Employment Agency. This proposal will mean improving of the communication between the three parties - the municipality, trade unions and employers.
Angelevska told media that in this phase responsabilities are being defined, while the decision itself will be discussed at committee level. The number of members is variable but there will be three representatives from the municipality and the municipal administration, three of the trade unions and three of the employers.
The Local Economic and Social Council will monitor issues related to youth employment, strengthening connections to the labor market, will participate in creation of joint initiatives on issues within the local government, monitor and assess local politics and its impact on the standard, give their opinions and suggestions for specific problems.
With this project Bitola will become the fourth city in Macedonia with its Local Economic and Social Council, after Kumanovo, Strumica and Kavadarci. The local economic and social councils are consisted of nine representatives - 3 from the local government, 3 from the trade unions and 3 from the employers. If necessary and depending of the nature of the problem of experts are invited for consultations, as well as NGOs and other organizations.
CCM and USAID closely cooperate in the establishment of the local economic and social councils. Local Economic and Social Councils should be established in nine cities in Macedonia.