CCM requires participation of trade unions in the work of Regulatory Commission

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Живко Митревски: поларната зима во Прилеп и Битола доби карактер на елементарна непогода
Zivko Mitrevski: polar winter in Prilep and Bitola turned into a disaster

Growth of prices for basic energy seriously affect the living standard of citizens. We believe that unions should participate in determining the prices of electricity and heating, actually, to participate in the work of the Regulatory Commission - said today the President of the Federation of Trade Unions Zivko Mitrevski.

We will demand for a meeting with the Energy Regulatory Commission in order to express our views on the price impact on family budgets of the population. Of course this issue will be put on the agenda of the Social and economic Council. We also believe that the future prices of primary energy resources should first be discussed with the Social and Economic Council, informed Mitrevski.

The cold especially affected the population in Bitola and Prilep, where the polar winter turned into a disaster. The population in this region will seek subsidies or mechanisms to subsidize the bills for heating costs. This issue will also be discussed at the Social and Economic Council, said Mitrevski. Asked by reporters about the source of the subsidies, President replied that usually subsidies are paid by the state, but that there are also other mechanisms to compensate for high bills and expenses.

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