Conference was held on the Unions and the EU integration

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Министерот Спиро Ристовски и претседателот Живко Митревски денес за медиумите: социјалниот дијалог во Македонија е пореален од многу земји членки на Унијата
Minister Spiro Ristovski and President Zivko Mitrevski today gave statements for the media: social dialogue in Macedonia is more real than in many EU Member States

Trade Unions have an important role in joining of Macedonia to the European Union. Their primary role is in the area of labor legislation, the adoption of laws and directives, and have important contribution in many other areas.

This is one of the conclusions of the Conference "The union and the process of EU integration of Macedonia", held today in CCM.

CCM President Zivko Mitrevski informed about the views of CCM on the European integration.  The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, since the start of the process of EU integration is determined to support the policy of joining the Union. Integrating of the Republic of Macedonia in EU is a priority activity for CCM.

The Minister of Labour and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski said that the role of unions in integration efforts is undeniable. In Macedonia we have more real social dialogue than in many EU Member States.

We must take into account the Strategic Plan 20/20 of the European Union concerning the objectives to be achieved by 2020. The principles are inventiveness, sustainability, effectiveness of resources and invasiveness, with specific need to increase employment of age group 20 to 64 years by 75%, informed Nafi Saracini, responsible for economic and social issues of the EU Delegation in Macedonia.


Земјите со развиен социјален дијалог се поуспешни во имплементирањето на законите и директивите на ЕУ - Кенан Хасипи (прв од лево)
Countries with developed social dialogue are successful in implementing laws and EU directives
- Kenan Hasip (first from left)

The absence of social dialogue is being noted by the European Commission. Crises arise in the dialogue, especially in the Parliament and this phenomenon adversely affects the EU monitoring. All European experience shows that countries with developed social dialogue are successful in implementing of the regulations, appointed Kenan Hasip, Chairman of the Joint Parliamentary Committee EU - RM. Mr. Hasip informed about the activities of the Parliament and the contact with other parliamentary bodies of the Member States.

Radmila Sekerinska, President of the National Council for EU Integration, said that we are all convinced that the key issue is the adoption of laws. In fact it is one part of the task, while their application is even more important. You should know that entering the EU means many ways to protect workers. Unions get two weapons - the strength of its membership and the membership of the country in the Union.

The conference was held with the support of the Foundation "Friedrich Ebert", and was attended by the Presidents of the Trade unions affiliated in CCM, representatives of the Organization of Employers, the President of KSS Rasko Mishkoski and representatives of other organizations and institutions.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc