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На конференцијата беше потпишана Повелба за натамошна регионална соработка во борбата против мобингот

From 23 to 26 October in Makarska, Croatia was held the final Conference of the project "Network for health and safety at work." The project began two years ago, with the participation of Trade unions of financial institutions from Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro. Macedonian participant is the Trade union of financial activities (SFDM), while the delegation was composed by representatives of Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, the Government, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Organization of Employers of Macedonia, Faculty of Law "Justinian I" and other organizations and institutions.

The aim of the project "Network for health and safety at work", which is funded by the European Commission - pre-accession funds IPA 2008 Civil Society Facility, is prevention against mobbing and creating networks to combat psychological harassment at workplace.

At the Conference in Makarska, after the opening speeches of Kresimir Sever of the Independent Croatian Trade Unions, Rudolf Karachman of Austria and the representative of the Croatian Government Jozo Sarac, presentations were held on the current activities in the field of mobbing in the four participating countries.

During the presentation on Macedonia, Goce Selovski, President of SFDM, informed about the many activities in this field in Macedonia. Selovski especially stressed the cooperation with the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia CCM, the Organization of Employers of Macedonia, and equally important cooperation with scientific institutions - universities, professional associations and NGOs.

Significant results were achieved in terms of education, whereas, with the help of experts from Croatia, were trained 9 coaches and 80 anti-mobbing advisors. In December 2010 CCM and SFDM opened an office to assist victims of mobbing, whose team of experts includes people from legal science, health, NGOs. Resolving the problems of mobbing victims is a complex issue that requires knowledge, expertise, competence and time. The addresses to the Office become very often and therefore we extended the working hours of the office from four to eight hours, said Selovski, who presented the survey results for mobbing situation in Macedonia.

For the participants was very interesting the fact that 66,7% of respondents stated that they are abused at their workplace.

On the results of analysis in the last six months introduced Emilija Ugrinovska, while the legal aspect was presented by lawyer Mirjana Markovska Andrevski, both members of the expert team.

Svetlana Vasiljevic and Elvira Kojic from Croatia had speeches as  hosts and leaders of the Conference, as well as Jadranka Aostolovski, President of the Association "Mobbing" Zagreb, being the leader of the project. The situation in Montenegro was presented by Krsto Pejovic of the Union for financial activities of Montenegro, and for Serbia presentation was made by Mara Erdelj of the BOFOS Trade union.

During the Conference was signed the Charter for establishing of "Local advisory anti-mobbing network." The Charter was signed by Jadranka Apostolovski, Mara Erdelj, Krsto Pejovic and Goce Selovski. The establishment of Local anti-mobbing network aims to further activities on prevention and fight against mobbing in these four countries of the Western Balkans.

(The full report of the Regional Conference final project "Network for health and safety at work" is set in “Mobbing” .)

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc