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Nikola Gruevski: Minimum wage means more secure and higher incomes for 65.000 workers

The net amount of the minimum salary in Macedonia is set at 8.050 denars or gross amount of 12.265 denars as in the Agreement settled at today's session of the Economic and Social Council.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski after a meeting of the ESC presented the announcement at a press conference.

For the first time in twenty years of independent Macedonia this right is exercised, said Prime Minister Gruevski. Back in May, in contacts with unions we vowed to support the determining of the minimum wage and we jointly achieved that today.

I can congratulate the Trade Unions and employers for their demonstrated constructiveness and mutual responsibility towards society. The Government as third social partner is a guarantor of the Agreement of both social partners, so this goal certainly has a future.


Zivko Mitrevski: Today`s agreement is a historic act for the social relations in Macedonia
President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia Zivko Mitrevski during the press conference said that the Agreement is a historic act of the social relations in Macedonia. We all showed that in times of economic crisis we can win for better economic situation of the population and build  real European social relationship. There was some skepticism in the political, governmental, and trade union circles that this action would not succeed, but today we all confirmed that our discussions had strong point, and the Agreement clearly express the will of the Government, Trade unions and employers, stressed Mitrevski.

The Minister of Labor and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski, who is also chairman of the Economic and Social Council, explained that in one month they will submit the law for adoption, and it’s implementation will start from January 1, 2012.

For the three industries - textiles, clothing and leather, there is an adaptation period of three years. The working groups carried out their tasks In September and hopefully they will keep the same pace.

The Prime Minister spoke about the importance of the minimum wage and explained that over 65.000 workers will get more reliable and higher incomes. The advantages are increased standard of living of the population, reducing of the gray economy, stimulating consumption, increasing the work ethic, encouragement of personal initiative. Employees will have the safety of their jobs, while employers will show social responsibility.

The amount of the minimum wage is at an optimal level, with no adverse effects on the economy. There is no reason to close factories due to rising wages, and no danger from layoffs of workers. The Prime Minister congratulated the unions and employers for agreeing on the most productive amount of the minimum wage. He also said that Economic and Social Council became a body for a new era and new time and that it deserves its place in the regulation of economic and social relations of the state.

President of the Organisation of Employers Dimitar Pavlov expressed gratitude that the Trade unions and the Government showed understanding for the three low income branches of textile, leather and clothing industries.

At today's session of the Economic and Social Council, which is a continuation of the sixth session of 1 September, attended by the Ministries of Economy and Finance, President of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions Rasko Mishkoski and representatives of other organizations.

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