The Supervisory Board

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Members of CCM Supervisory Board are:

  1. Kire Ilov - Trade Union of the Workers in the Agro-industrial Complex of Macedonia (AGRO Trade Union)
  2. Predrag Rasovik - Trade Union of the Workers in catering, Tourism, Communal and Housing Economy, Handicraft and Protecting Associations of Macedonia (SUTKOZ)
  3. Ljupka Jovanovska - Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry and Design of Macedonia (SGIP)
  4. Elizabeta Velickovska - Trade Union of Postal and Telecommunication Workers of Macedonia (SPTRM)
  5. Irfan Isaku - Trade Union of Workers in Forestry and Wood Industry and Energy of Macedonia

Deputies of the members of CCM Supervisory Board are:

  1. Zoran Simonovski - Autonomous Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Protection of Republic of Macedonia
  2. Zoran Aleksov - Multiethnic Trade Union of Education of Macedonia, (MESO)
  3. Liljana Bogoevska Vasilevska - Trade Union of Chemistry and Non-metals and Metals of Macedonia (SHNM)
  4. Lidija Ancevska - The Trade Union of Graphic, Informatics, Film, Publishing and Paper Production of Macedonia (GIFIH)
  5. Dusko Petrovski - Trade Union of the Financial Organisations of Macedonia (SFDM)

The Supervisory Board supervises and controls the implementation of the policy of financing the CCM, the distribution and use of the material and financial assets in possession of CCM.

The Supervisory Board is consisted of 5 members and 5 deputies elected by the trade unions accordingly to the Decision of CCM’s Council on the number and composition of the Supervisory Board, and the Congress is making the verification.

The Supervisory Board inspects and audits the total financial operations, application of the decisions, the Rules, the accountancy data for collecting and spending of the funds. After the revision a report is being composed and it is submitted to the CCM bodies.

The Supervisory Board has the right to undertake an audit of the financial activities without previously announcing it.

The CCM bodies are due to enable audit of their documents that proves the regularity of their entire material and financial operations.

The Supervisory Board participates in the work of the Congress and submits a report on its work.

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