Caption 1. Opening of the working meeting
On 25.2.2016 in Bitola, the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia in cooperation with the Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association (MOSHA), held a press conference and a working meeting with the social partners, civil society organizations, media, representatives from relevant sectors and other stakeholders in the region within the frameworks of the project “Strengthening the partnership of civil society and state institutions in the creation and promotion of the right to safe and healthy working environment - Basic human right".
Before the meeting a press conference was held on which a statement was given by the Advisor to the President of CCM on projects and EU integrations, M.Sc. Lidija Naskovska, the legal representative of RTUO Bitola, Ljupco Vasilevski, and the project coordinator Vesna Ristovska.
"In the past year CCM has data from the State Labor Inspectorate which shows that there were 243 violations on the work places, 4 of which were with fatal consequences," said Lidija Naskovska - Advisor to the President of CCM.
"There is hiring of experts in almost all major organizations. Greatest protection can be found in two manufacturing companies in Bitola and a small textile factory in Resen," said Ljupco Vasilevski - regional representative of CCM in Bitola.
According to the informal reports of MOSHA, in the reports for 2015 there are 44 registered accidents with fatal consequences", stressed Vesna Ristevska - Project Manager in MOSHA.
The meeting was opened by the project coordinator Vesna Ristovska, which presented the goal of the project and project activities.
Furthermore a presentation on the role of shop stewards/ OHS representatives was presented by Agim Shaqiri, a professor at the European University in Tetovo.
Caption 2. Participants on the working meeting
The results from the research and analysis of the questionnaires, as well as problems and challenges that workers are facing were presented by Ljupco Vasilevski, CCM, Bitola.
At the end of the meeting it was concluded that the application of the OHS Law shall bring greater benefits for both workers and employers. In the region of Bitola, the survey of the regional office raised the awareness of the importance of the OHS matters and there are some of the companies that fully apply the foreseen standards. On the other hand we need further training for union officials / OHS representatives. In the companies with over 50 employees, the union representative has the right to make inspections on the workspace, to talk to the employer if there are problems, to notify the labor inspector for certain shortcomings, to sign OHS statement, to give his opinion and participate in the inspection in estimating jobs, i.e. whether the employer has implemented all necessary measures in assessing the risk.
At the end of the meeting as a general conclusion was concluded that the importance of this law should be extended to companies that have from 1 to 10 employees in the proper scope and need.
Although the data show that the number of injuries and accidents at work has been decreased, however there is always room for additional measures in order to ensure even greater protection of workers.