Caption 1. The President Mitrevski on the opening of the first biogas plant
The President of the Federation of Trade Unions, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski attended the opening of the first biogas plant in the Agricultural Combine Pelagonija JSC Bitola, in the village Novaci.
The opening of the plant was attended by representatives from the diplomatic corps and the US Ambassador in Macedonia, His Excellency Mr. Jess Bailey, as well as representatives of the business sector in Macedonia.
It is important to be noted that all employees in this plant are trade union members.
Caption 2. The interior of the plant
This plant has a capacity of 3 megawatts of electricity per hour and modern farm designed for 2,000 cows. The total investment is about 20 million Euros. Most of the money is provided by the company itself. In this plant the manure from the farm shall be recycled into a bio-gas.