Caption 1. The President Mitrevski on the panel debate
The Federation of Trade Unions and the Youth Section of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia on 2.11.2015 started a campaign to combat gray economy, titled "Join in and say STOP to grey economy, say STOP to undeclared work" within the Project "Taxes, informal economy and corruption in the Western Balkan countries", implemented by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Pan-European Regional Council (PERC) and the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO).
Caption 2. The Press Conference
The launch of the campaign, for which propaganda materials (posters and flyers) have been prepared, was followed by a press conference on which the President Mitrevski stressed that the campaign will include a series of measures referring to trainings for the unemployed.
- We start this campaign against this social evil, to combat illegal work. The analysis of previous studies has shown that approximately 22.5 percent of people are included in the informal economy in Macedonia, said, President Mitrevski.
On the panel debate his address had the President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski, the President of the Youth Section, M.Sc. Lidija Naskovska, representatives of the IPA Project: Support to the fight against undeclared work, Mr. Geoffrey Fieldhouse, team leader, Brian Kearney, KE2 and representatives from the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, Lile Petrova, CCM and Ljupco Vasilevski RTUO Bitola.
The main objective of the panel debate is launching a campaign to combat grey economy and undeclared work, increasing the capacity and awareness among young people about this particular issue, learning ways of transition from informal to formal form of employment and strengthen the capacities of the various national actors involved in the fight against undeclared work. This campaign will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the fight against undeclared work in the country through a systematic and coordinated involvement of relevant institutional actors and social partners in the fight against undeclared work.
The President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski noted that the formalization of the informal economy remains an area of high priority for the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia. It is estimated that the informal employment accounts for more than 22.5% of total employment in the country (58 811 out of 271 307 employed women and 93 993 out of 407 531 employed men). The high incidence of informal employment has various negative consequences on the economy, working conditions in general and the process of policy-making. Low tax revenues owed to the lack of contributions from wages, limits the capacity of the Government to introduce effective policies for the labor market and social protection. Additionally, the large segment of the informal economy and the widespread practice of reporting lower wages create serious problems for the scope and financing of social security systems, thus depriving these workers and their families from protection against the significant social risks.
Caption 3. Participants on the panel debate
The representatives of the IPA Project: Support to the fight against undeclared work, Mr. Geoffrey Fieldhouse, team leader, and Brian Kearney, an expert, had a presentation entitled: The role of social partners in the fight against undeclared work, in which they presented the survey on undeclared work conducted in country through 2019 successful interviews. Also they presented the current situation in Macedonia regarding the undeclared work, its size, scope and nature as well as presentation of various campaigns on informal economy in Europe and the world.
In their presentations, the representatives of the CCM, Lile Petrova and Ljupco Vasilevski explained the meaning of the employment contract as a prerequisite for eradication of undeclared work and gave a comparative analysis of national legislation with EU legislation.